in the 1940's knowledge of bird migration in Ireland was not very
detailed, especially as to what occurred in Spring and Autumn. The Saltees were in a good geographical position for the study of bird
migration and there were already indications that large numbers of
migrants passed through the area.
Thus in 1950 on the
Great Saltee island, the Saltee Bird Observatory was founded by
Major Robert F. Ruttledge and Mr. John Weaving by kind permission of
Michael the First. The old farmhouse was put at the disposal of the
observatory and it was there that the work of the SBO continued
until its closure in 1963. The co-operation of Michael the First
throughout this period is not realised by many, but without his
assistance, the observatory could not have functioned successfully
and our knowledge of migration in that area would have been so much
Under the guidance of Major Ruttledge (the most prominent
figure in Irish ornithology, died January 2002, at the age of 102),
the observatory developed in its early years and soon it was
discovered just how important the Saltees were as a stopping place
for the migratory birds. The observatory added tremendously to the
knowledge about the birds that passed through the island.
The Saltee Bird
Observatory was successful in its objective, but it had a greater
achievement that is not alway acknowledge It inspired and
encouraged young bird watchers to develop their interest in birds
and there can be few ornithologists today who did not take a keen
interest in its activities. This became obvious, when on the death
of Michael the First, hundreds of condolences in faxes, emails and
letters were received by his family from ornithologists all over the